This has been bugging me for a while. As I read everyone else's blogs (wishing I had half the writing skills of most of you, and the sense of humor too!), I realize, that for many of us, we're not infertile. We are fertile. We get pregnant. We just can't seem to stay pregnant, for whatever reason, known or unknown.
I’ve been pregnant four times, for crying out loud. I’m more fertile than most of my family or friends. I think there needs to be a different word for women and couples like me and DH. Well, not DH, because apparently he’s just fine in that department, according to the embryologist who handled two days of his samples (Thanks, me and my old eggs really needed to know that it’s me, not him. Maybe a little more stress will help, huh?!?)
On that note, I realize that I’m not suffering secondary infertility. I’ve had four pregnancies, so that means I’m experiencing quinary infertility. Don’t laugh. I actually Googled it (I Google everything). On, it poses the question “What comes after primary, secondary, tertiary?” The answer is: “The sequence continues with quaternary, quinary, senary, septenary, octonary, nonary, denary. Words also exist for `twelfth order' (duodenary) and `twentieth order' (vigenary).”
So my situation would be better described by saying that I am a quinary birth-challenged woman. Hey, if we can go from “garbage man” and “housewife” to “sanitation engineer” and “domestic engineer”, then I can be a quinary birth-challenged woman.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I'm Not Infertile, I'm Birth-Challenged
Posted by
10:11 AM
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