It must be the hormones. I feel like I just posted an update when in fact it’s been three weeks. Is there an award for Worst Blogging Updater, because if there is, I think I’m in the running?
I am in a very bitchy mood today. I feel huge. I look like I have a regulation basketball under my shirt, and I have six tops and three pairs of pants that I’m rotating through. I spent most of Christmas week lying down on the couch in my nightgown sans bra, because that was how I was most comfortable. That, and we had the stomach flu in the house (yep, even me – Christmas Eve through the day after Christmas, for a 4 ½ pound weight loss!), the cold, and then DS#2 had pneumonia last week. Needless to say, we did nothing but eat Lipton’s Chicken Noodle Soup and watch TV in our PJs. And now, with the clock ticking, comes the onslaught of appointments.
At my 29 week appointment with Dr. Fav, I asked a bunch of questions, including if he were going to do NSTs, how often would I have ultrasounds, etc. The response at the time was u/s every 14-21 days, no NSTs yet. Next week, different story. Nothing wrong with Stick-It, Dr. Fav just changed his mind. I was informed that I would be having 2 NSTs every week AND an u/s every week AND seeing him every week! From 0 to 60, and wrecking havoc with my schedule, particularly considering that I am still working FT trying to reserve any accrued time to cover the unpaid maternity leave. Oh, and have I mentioned that I have SUCH an understanding boss (NOT)! Luckily the first week of this 4 appointment schedule was the week of Christmas, when my workplace is closed. I also wised up and booked all these appointments through my due date, figuring that its always easier to get the times that work for me and then cancel the appointments rather than hustling every week to cram them in. On the advice of L. (the appointment goddess), I booked my NSTs on Sundays and Wednesdays, eliminating one weekday appointment.
First NST was 4:15 p.m. on Christmas Eve (my DM came with me), next was that Thursday, along with an u/s and doc’s appointment. The NSTs do not go swimmingly, as Stick-It doesn’t seem to like being listened to. Baseline is in the 130s, and he often moves so much that they can’t get a read on him. They’re taking an hour to complete on average. So far, either DH or my mom have been able to be there with me.
The u/s after Christmas did show one surprise: Stick-It is frank breech. That apparently means he’s folded in half with his feet up by his head and he’s aimed butt first. This position apparently guarantees a scheduled C-section. Dr. Fav did mention trying an external inversion, but, because of losing Jimmy to a cord incident, he is reluctant to go that route. DM (a former OB/GYN nurse, and the daughter of an OB/GYN) proceeded to add her two cents after the office visit, as we sat having a cup of tea and waiting for my NST appointment. She’s totally against it in my case. The L&D nurse, who it turns out worked with her for a few years, also added her two cents, advising against it. And since I’m a wuss, I don’t think we’re going to even attempt it. Then my decision was reinforced by seeing one done on some poor woman on TLC. At the same time, I’m a wuss when it comes to surgery, so the C-sec isn’t that appealing either. Stick-It does still have some wiggle room, so I’m hoping he flips between now and 36 ½ weeks (2 ½ weeks to go), which is when we’ll have to start making some decisions. Oh, and the u/s yesterday showed that he’s weighing in at ~ 5 lb. 11 oz. and measuring 34w6d, still a week ahead.
This weekend, I'm pushing DH to finish moving stuff around so that the house is ready, and we're buying a new car seat/travel system thing. DH also needs to get the first two bins down from the attic so I can wash some clothes for this kid, and I'm packing my bag. Other than that, things like painting the room and setting up the crib will have to wait. Honestly, even though he's viable, I just can't face the thought of something happening and having to put all that stuff away again like I did with Jimmy. It will all get done eventually.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
34 Week Update
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4:04 PM
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