Monday, October 23, 2006

Going It on My Own

Okay, for anyone who read my last post about us being done... well, let's just say that we're done going to the RE for now. We have tried as much medical assistance as is going to happen in my life (only going as far as IUIs), but I'm still going to try on my own and...

TMI WARNING!!!!: since DH doesn't seem to be in any rush to replenish his supply of birth control (i.e. no Trojan Mans in the bedside table) nor does he seem to be wanting to follow the celibacy route...

I'll just see where this takes us. I did buy more OPK sticks for my ClearBlue Fertility Monitor, and I'm about midcycle and starting to surge. I guess we'll see if Nature would like to lend a hand all on her own (or if enough hormones are still surging through my body). Not counting on anything, but won't close the door on the possibility.

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