Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Would You Like Some Cheese with That Whine?"

Before my whining starts, happy positive vibes to Thalia, who should have already met POB today! Thalia, we’re all thinking of you!

I have a cold. I thought it was allergies, but yesterday afternoon it quickly became apparent that it was something more. There are few more annoying things than being sick when you’re pregnant. I can’t breathe, my nose is either running or plugged and putting pressure on my head, my throat is raw from coughing, the crap that has run down my throat overnight tends to make me sick to my stomach in the morning, and, best of the best, if I cough and have even a half-full bladder, well, let’s just say I’ve taken to wearing pantiliners.

I have been using Sudafed sparingly, saline spray constantly, and have finally had a Hall’s Cherry cough drop without having it make me sick to my stomach. That and lots of chicken soup. Not the real stuff either. When I’m sick, I want Lipton’s Chicken Noodle Soup, Irish tea with honey, and lots of Jello. For now, no tea or Jello, as anything sweet is tending to make me nauseous. One of the quirks of this pregnancy.

I may even give in and go home at lunchtime today. That, or stick it out and bang in sick tomorrow. I just hate using any of my sick time, as any saved time is what I have to use to be paid for my maternity leave. And I already need to leave early Monday for my Level II u/s, and the following week DH is having his remaining two wisdom teeth removed, so I need to take a day for that. I'll just state for the record that the US and most of its companies totally suck when it comes to maternity leave policies.

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