Trying not to sit here and think about the cramping that’s starting. Thinking instead about what a lousy blogger I am. I have no time to do much of anything beside work these days. Working in a community college means that from now until about September 15th, my life is ruled by a bunch of people who don’t understand that you cannot wait until the day before classes start to register for the term and expect to get seats in the sections you want.
We did finally manage to get the IUI in. I, of course, heard NOTHING from the Center Friday. Knowing that they close at 5:00 p.m., I waited until 5:30 before turning into a P.O.P. (Pissed-Off-Patient) and calling the service. Told the woman on the other end that I had had bloodwork that morning and was still waiting for a call with directions. Fifteen minutes later, one of the nurses called. Surprise! I was to trigger Friday between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. (guess I got the call just in time!) and report for 9:00 a.m. IUI Sunday morning, with DH set for 8:00 a.m. specimen supply. When I asked what time on Monday for the second IUI, I was told that “the latest research shows only one IUI per cycle is needed”.
My, my, how things change in two months. So, I triggered, and then had my way with DH. Saturday, we managed to go out by ourselves for dinner, and I had my way with him again. Sunday morning, we went in for the procedure. Monday, I blew off work, and had my way with him one more time, in the afternoon.
HPT bloodwork is scheduled for Sunday morning. I even bought a box of HPT yesterday, but now wonder why I would do that to myself. I hate this ebb-and-flow of emotions that come with every two week wait, and then the drop-off of hope when friggin’ AF shows up.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Finally Triggered
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12:12 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
Waiting for a Trigger
CD #14 and still waiting for the magical call to tell me to give myself the HcG trigger shot and come in the next two afternoons. Sunday (CD#9, in case anyone’s keeping track), went in for u/s and bloodwork. Was told to continue the 150 units Sunday and Monday, come in Tuesday (CD#11) for u/s and bloodwork. Then another call: continue 150 units for Tuesday and Wednesday, and come in Thursday (CD#13) for u/s and bloodwork. Notice the friggin’ trend?!? Yesterday, my lining measured 16, with 2 follicles on the right side of 10mm each plus 2 more under 10mm, and 4 follicles on the left side measuring 16mm, 10mm, 12mm, and 12mm each plus 3 more under 10mm. I apparently am overachieving at follicle production this cycle.
I mentioned to DH last night that my fear now is that they won’t do the IUI because I’ll have hyperstim’d, and told him that part of me would love to just convert this to an IVF cycle. He will have no part of it. None. That’s not happening in my world with this husband. So I patiently (yeh, right!!!) await the call telling me to trigger tonight. That brings the whole “what do we do with the kids this weekend” question into play, unless we do the parking lot handoff game (DH drives down, gives his specimen, I leave 30 minutes later, meet in a parking lot somewhere near the center and exchange cars and/or children (whichever’s easier), and then I go in to sit in the stirrups for 20 minutes).
All I can say is that they’d better hurry up, as today’s bloodwork will show them that I’m going to “O” on my own during the next few days. I peed on the OPK stick and put it in the monitor this morning, and my LH is on the rise. I'm also concerned that if we don't do this during the next day or two, I'll be told that it's too late in my cycle to do the IUI as (if I were lucky enough to have an egg fertilize) there wouldn't be enough time in my cycle left to allow for good implantation. My cycle is usually 28 days (according to my calendar on, but the last two have been 25 days each (thanks to the meds in June, I'm sure), so the clock's ticking.
Any thoughts or have any of you been through a similar cycle? Would love to hear of your experiences...
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11:44 AM